Here are some frequently asked questions concerning ordering in an online shop.
Q: I made some mistakes in my order. May I cancel it?
A: Yes, it is possible to cancel an order. Please contact the shop as soon as possible. Please note that it is not possible to modify the order after it is shipped.
Q: There is a problem with my products. Can I get a refund?
A: Please note that all sales are finale. However, exchange of the goods might be possible with concrete proof of the defect product(s). Please contact the shop as soon as possible since some products might be out of stock.
Q: My order still hasn't arrived! I'm worried!
A: Thank you very much for your patience and for purchasing goods at ponpokirin! Please note that it is possible that the shipping process of the order might be delayed due to many reasons. Please contact the shop if there is any major delay in the shipping process of the order.
Q: I already ordered something and would like to combine orders. Is it possible?
A: Yes! Thank you so much for your support! You may combine orders that aren’t shipped yet at no additionnal shipping fee. Please contact us as soon as possible!